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Build up in a sentence

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Sentence count:171+10Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: armbuilddevelopfortifygirdprogressramp upwork upSimilar words: buildrebuildbuilderbuildingbuilding materialshold upbuilt upmildMeaning: v. 1. enlarge, develop, or increase by degrees or in stages 2. form or accumulate steadily 3. prepare oneself for a military confrontation 4. bolster or strengthen 5. change the use of and make available or usable. 
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(91) If you want to build up a good pension fund, you should start setting aside a small part of your earnings now.
(92) It used to take centuries to build up a centimetre or two of topsoil.
(93) The credit risk to the clearing house has now disappeared because accumulated losses are not allowed to build up.
(94) He had to rely on a kind-hearted local butcher who gave him two chickens a week to build up his strength.
(95) The abnormal proteins produced by these degenerative diseases are relatively indigestible,( so they build up in the lysosome.
(96) Often we have only fragments of bones to build up a mental picture of the final complete skeleton.
(97) If you can improve the power of your calf muscles you will find that you can build up your mileage without difficulty.
(98) The other is to build up a cognitive map of the region to be traversed.
(99) I have continued to build up alliances with organisations prepared to pursue quality in architecture.
(100) You might argue that such an investigation, though time-consuming, would enable you to build up the picture you want.
(101) How do you build up the picture in a regression session?
(102) On alternate days walk at a slower pace to help you build up a regular habit of walking.
(103) This permits them to build up a picture of how the weather is changing virtually anywhere on Earth.
(104) This is the best way to build up your confidence.
(105) Once formulated(, they remain for ever in the environment and build up in food chains and ultimately in our bodies.
(106) This is to enable us to continue to build up a database on the application of our provision in response to special needs.
(107) This does involve a lot of money laid out on different colours and a lot of time to build up a collection.
(108) Open fires should always have the chimney regularly swept, otherwise the build up of soot can start a chimney fire.
(109) Social systems build up defenses against change like the body builds up defenses against diseases.
(110) When Semple departed, Dalton Trumbo came in to build up the Dega character in line with the buddy-buddy movie trend.
(111) This, in turn, will help us to build up the evidence we need to convince our audiences.
(112) As one of his responsibilities he began to build up a permanent collection of works of Art for West Riding Schools.
(113) It's believed warm weather has led to a build up of botulism bacteria in the canal.
(114) Deposits of lime will stick to the surface and build up over the years.
(115) Insiders may decide to defer public disclosure so that they may first build up a position in the relevant shares.
(116) While technically he is a very accomplished player, we had to build up both his confidence and experience.
(117) The build up to their meeting with its false starts and lonely nights is the best part of this charming book.
(118) They start off on a barrow in a market and they build up an enormous industry.
(119) The aim is to build up a comprehensive database on the Gault of the United Kingdom.
(120) Decision-process models also assume that consumer learning and experience will build up and affect future purchase situations.
More similar words: buildrebuildbuilderbuildingbuilding materialshold upbuilt upmildchildadd upend uphead upwind upstand upspeed upround upadd up towildlifestand up tostand up forlead up tograndchildonly childend up withwildernessbewilderment
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